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Can Air Purifiers Make You Sick?

By Elysia
Elysia is a seasoned content enthusiast who has been steering the creative ship at Bebest since 2022.

In today’s world, ensuring the air is paramount, especially regarding safeguarding our health. Air purifiers have gained popularity as practical tools for preventing sickness by removing harmful particles from the air. However, the concern arises: Can air purifiers make you sick?

In this piece, we will examine the essential elements to consider when choosing an air purifier to prevent sickness and address the question surrounding its potential adverse effects.

Can Air Purifiers Make You Sick?

Now that you learned about air purifiers let’s get to the question that matters most: Can air purifiers make you sick? Though air purifiers are vital for maintaining clean and fresh indoor air quality, misusing them can lead to unintended consequences, including severe health problems. The following are some of the reasons why this might happen:

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Can air purifiers make you sick? Reasons

1. Use filters without removing the plastic wrapping

Installing the filters correctly is one of the most crucial steps when setting up an air purifier. However, some people may forget to remove the plastic wrapping from new filters before inserting them into the unit. This oversight can significantly hamper the purifier’s efficiency and even lead to limited airflow, causing the device to overheat. Moreover, trapped plastic could release harmful chemicals into the air, impacting indoor air quality and making you sick.

2. Use an air purifier that should be avoided

Some purifiers might release ozone or other contaminated compounds, which can worsen respiratory conditions or cause discomfort. Therefore, you should thoroughly research the brand and model before opting for one. The best options are air purifiers certified by reputable organizations and known for their practical and safe air cleaning capabilities.

3. Do nothing to keep your air purifier clean

Regular maintenance is critical to ensuring your air purifier operates at its best. Neglecting to clean and replace filters can lead to the accumulation of dust, allergens, and pollutants within the device. Over time, this can result in reduced efficiency and compromised air quality. Sometimes, a dirty air purifier could disperse more pollutants into the air than it captures, contributing to serious health issues.

4. Place the air purifier in the wrong position

An air purifier’s placement is just as crucial as its maintenance. Placing it near walls, furniture, or other obstacles can obstruct airflow and limit its ability to clean the air. Also, suppose you position the air purifier too close to your sleeping area or seating. In that case, it may expose you to excessive direct airflow, leading to discomfort and potential health concerns such as dry skin or irritated eyes.

To make sure an air cleaner doesn’t make you sick, let’s use some smart planning. The top tip is to put it where it is most needed, such as near something smelly, and make sure it can pull in tiny particles from all around. Also, keep it far from your bed so you don’t feel any air blowing and won’t wake up with a headache.

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Air purifier’s placement

5. Use the wrong size air purifier for your living space

Selecting the appropriate size of air purifier for your room is critical for achieving optimal results. Using an undersized purifier for a large living space might lead to inadequate air circulation and purification. Conversely, using an overly powerful purifier for a small room could create excessive airflow and noise. Both scenarios can negatively impact indoor air quality, causing discomfort or health problems.

The question of “Can air purifiers make you sick?” arises for many reasons. As a result, having the right air purifier is crucial to prevent sickness.

How to Choose an Air Purifier for Illness Prevention

A high-quality air purifier that suits your home’s unique environment offers much more than illness protection. Plus, it can effectively relieve allergy symptoms and improve your general well-being. Navigating the features, technologies, and specifications can be daunting among the many available options. 

The tips below will help you choose the best air purifier to make you healthier when choosing an air purifier tailored to your needs.

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How to choose air purifiers to prevent illness

1. Clean air delivery rate

Clean Air Delivery Rate, or CADR, is one factor that needs to be assessed when purchasing an air purifier. This metric measures the unit’s efficiency in removing airborne particles such as dust, pollen, and smoke. You should look for a model with a CADR rating suitable for your room size. An air purifier with a higher CADR ensures more rapid and effective air purification, reducing the risk of inhaling harmful pollutants. Some products without clean air delivery ratings are of no use and should be avoided.

2. True HEPA filters

The presence of a HEPA (High-Efficiency Particulate Air) filter is non-negotiable when choosing an air purifier for sickness prevention. These filters are designed to capture particles as small as 0.3 microns in size, including bacteria, viruses, and allergens. By utilizing a HEPA filter, an air purifier can significantly improve air quality, reducing the likelihood of airborne pathogens causing illness.

As the prevalence of unethical marketing grows, numerous air purifiers are being marketed and sold as HEPA-type filters. However, you must know these filters do not meet the true HEPA standards. Their filtration capabilities are significantly lower, allowing harmful pollutants to remain in your air. Avoid falling into the trap of purchasing a device labeled as HEPA-type when what you truly require is a genuine HEPA filter.

3. Ozone generators

While some air purifiers employ ozone generators to remove odors and pollutants, there is a degree of controversy surrounding their safety. Ozone, when present in high concentrations, can harm respiratory health and exacerbate existing conditions. Therefore, avoiding air purifiers with ozone generators is advisable, especially for individuals with respiratory sensitivities. Instead, opt for quality HEPA air purifiers with additional filtration systems, such as ionizers and activated carbon units.

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Ozone generators

4. Built-in PM sensors

Modern air purifiers often feature built-in particulate matter (PM) sensors. Particulate matter refers to all the tiny, invisible particles in the air besides oxygen. The PM sensors continuously monitor indoor air quality and adjust purification settings accordingly. These sensors detect the presence of pollutants, such as dust and pollen, and can provide real-time feedback on the unit’s effectiveness. Choosing an air purifier equipped with PM sensors ensures the device operates efficiently and responds to changing indoor air conditions, contributing to a healthier living environment.

Bottom Line

The question of “Can air purifiers make you sick?” is a valid concern, particularly when certain air purifiers fail to effectively remove pollutants due to improper usage and maintenance. By avoiding the common mistakes above, you can ensure that your air purifier enhances your well-being rather than making you sick. Remember to choose a reputable brand, follow manufacturer guidelines, and perform routine maintenance to enjoy the full benefits of clean and fresh indoor air.

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