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7 Easy Ideas For Natural Air Purifiers

By Elysia
Elysia is a seasoned content enthusiast who has been steering the creative ship at Bebest since 2022.

Are you looking to create a cleaner and healthier living space without harsh chemicals and expensive gadgets? Natural air purifiers should be the first choice with their incredible air-cleansing properties. In recent years, natural air purifiers have been gaining popularity among homeowners seeking a greener and more sustainable approach to indoor air quality. Others opt for natural air purifiers due to their safe and non-toxic nature and ability to complement home decor.

In this guide, we’ll explore seven easy and creative ideas for natural air purifiers that are both effective and budget-friendly. Are you ready to join the growing number of eco-conscious individuals discovering the beauty of natural air purifiers? We will start now!

Natural air purifiers
Natural air purifiers

What Causes Indoor Air Pollution?

Indoor air pollution is caused by a variety of factors that release harmful pollutants into the air we breathe. Familiar sources of indoor air pollution include combustion processes such as cooking, heating, and smoking, which release fine particles and gases like carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide. Household cleaning products, paints, and building materials can emit volatile organic compounds (VOCs), contributing to indoor air pollution. 

Additionally, allergens such as dust mites, pet dander, and mold spores can accumulate indoors, further degrading air quality. Poor ventilation and accumulating outdoor pollutants can also exacerbate indoor air pollution. What are natural air purifiers?

Natural air purifiers are substances, organisms, or devices that remove various pollutants and chemicals from the air we breathe in an all-natural way. These natural purifiers work in various ways, such as absorbing harmful chemicals, releasing beneficial ions, or trapping particles. 

What causes indoor air pollution?
What causes indoor air pollution?

Common examples of natural air purifiers include houseplants, which can absorb pollutants and release oxygen, and activated charcoal, which can effectively trap odors and toxins. Other natural purifiers include salt lamps, which release negative ions to counteract positive ions in the air, and beeswax candles, which emit natural scents without harmful chemicals. Incorporating these natural air purifiers into our living spaces can provide a healthier and more refreshing environment while reducing the dependence on artificial and potentially harmful purifying methods.

7 Easy Ideas for Natural Air Purifiers

Now, let’s explore 7 ways to have natural air purifiers with us. Get started!

1. Indoor plants

For ages, we’ve known that plants are like nature’s air purifiers, doing a great job of soaking up carbon dioxide and giving us a dose of fresh oxygen. But guess what? NASA dug into this and discovered that certain plants are like the superheroes of the plant world when it comes to kicking out the bad stuff from the air – things like benzene, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene. It’s like they have a knack for eliminating those yucky pollutants.

So, who are these fantastic air-cleaning champs? We’ve got the Golden Pothos, Peace Lily, Boston Fern, Snake Plant, English Ivy, Dracaena, Bamboo Palm, Dragon Tree, Lady Palm, and Spider Plant. They’re like the A-team of the plant world.

Indoor plants
Indoor plants

To get the best air-cleaning action, you might want to consider having at least one of these remarkable plants for every 100 square feet of your living space. By bringing these green buddies into your home, you’re not just adding a touch of nature; you’re giving your indoor air a severe upgrade. It’s like a spa day for your lungs, creating a healthier and happier place to live.

2. Himalayan salt lamps

A Himalayan salt lamp is considered a natural air purifier because it releases negative ions into the air, which can help to neutralize positively charged pollutants and contaminants. The theory is that negative ions can bond with and remove positive ions from the air, such as allergens, bacteria, and other harmful particles. The negative ions released by the salt lamp are thought to attract these positive particles, making them heavier and causing them to fall to the ground, where they can be swept or vacuumed. 

Himalayan salt lamps
Himalayan salt lamps

However, to be honest, some folks are still going back and forth about how well these salt lamps work as air cleaners. It’s like a friendly debate. But you know what? Lots of people out there believe that these lamps have some pretty incredible benefits. These lamps can make a difference in the air you breathe. 

3. Bamboo charcoal

Bamboo charcoal is considered a natural air purifier due to its unique properties. Bamboo is a grass that overgrows and does not require fertilizers or pesticides, making it an environmentally friendly resource. When the bamboo is heated at high temperatures, it turns into charcoal with millions of tiny pores that trap impurities.

Bamboo charcoal
Bamboo charcoal

This activated bamboo charcoal has a high surface area that allows it to absorb moisture, odor, and other impurities in the air. It does not release harmful chemicals or emit scents, making it a safe and natural way to purify indoor air.

As a result, bamboo charcoal air purifying bags have become increasingly popular as an eco-friendly and effective alternative to traditional air fresheners and purifiers. They are often used in homes, cars, and other confined spaces to naturally freshen the air and reduce unwanted odors and allergens. 

4. Beeswax candles

Natural air purifiers, such as pure beeswax candles, offer distinct advantages over regular paraffin candles, which are petroleum-based. When burned, pure beeswax candles emit minimal smoke or scent. Additionally, like salt lamps, they release negative ions into the air, potentially benefiting individuals with asthma or allergies by removing common allergens like dust and dander. Though beeswax candles may come at a higher cost than their traditional counterparts, their slow-burning nature ensures they last significantly longer, making them a cost-effective and eco-friendly choice for cleaner indoor air.

Beeswax candles
Beeswax candles

5. Baking soda and vinegar

Baking soda and vinegar are commonly used as natural air purifiers due to their unique properties. Baking soda, or sodium bicarbonate, is an excellent odor absorber. It can effectively neutralize and eliminate unwanted smells from cooking, pets, or smoking. Additionally, baking soda can help maintain the pH balance in the surrounding environment, contributing to a fresher atmosphere.

Vinegar, on the other hand, contains acetic acid, which has antimicrobial properties. When used as a cleaning agent, it can help eliminate bacteria, viruses, and mold spores in the air. As a result, it reduces potential allergens and contaminants that may impact indoor air quality.

When combined, baking soda and vinegar can form a powerful natural cleaning solution that helps purify the air and keeps surfaces and fabrics clean and fresh. This eco-friendly and cost-effective method has gained popularity as a natural alternative to commercial air purifiers, making it a preferred choice for those seeking a more environmentally friendly approach to improving indoor air quality.

Baking soda and vinegar
Baking soda and vinegar

6. Essential oil diffusers

Essential oil diffusers can serve as natural air purifiers because they disperse essential oils into the air. Many essential oils possess antimicrobial properties that help eliminate airborne bacteria, viruses, and fungi, thus improving air quality. Additionally, certain essential oils, like tea tree oil and eucalyptus, have effectively reduced respiratory issues and allergies. The diffused oils can create a pleasant and relaxing atmosphere while purifying the air.

As a bonus, the pleasant aromas from the diffuser can also enhance mood and create a more inviting environment. However, to make essential oil diffusers an efficient natural air purifier, it’s essential to choose high-quality essential oils and a reliable diffuser to ensure maximum effectiveness. 

Essential oil diffusers
Essential oil diffusers

7. Plant air purifier

The Plant Air Purifier is a remarkable choice for those seeking top-notch natural air purifiers. Though it may come with a higher price tag than other options, its performance is outstanding. Developed by a NASA scientist, this innovative purifier utilizes common houseplants in hydroculture to effectively clean the air. The circulating fan enhances the airflow through the growing medium, which contains activated carbon responsible for pollutant removal. 

The Plant Air Purifier boasts air-cleaning power equivalent to more than 100 standard houseplants! An even more compact version is in development, promising to cleanse a room in just an hour and available for $99.

Plant air purifier
Plant air purifier

Natural Air Purifiers: FAQ

1. What are natural air purifiers?

Natural air purifiers are substances or objects that naturally help to remove pollutants, toxins, and other harmful substances from the air. These can include certain types of plants, such as Golden Pothos, Peace Lily, Boston Fern, Snake Plant, and English Ivy, which, according to studies, help purify the air by absorbing pollutants and other toxins. Other natural air purifiers can include beeswax candles and activated charcoal filters. These substances can help improve air quality in indoor spaces, making breathing safer and healthier.

2. How do natural air purifiers work in homes?

Natural air purifiers harness the purifying properties of certain plants, minerals, and other natural elements. Plants like aloe vera, spider plants, and peace lily can remove harmful toxins and pollutants from the air. Additionally, activated charcoal, bamboo charcoal, and baking soda can absorb odors and chemicals.

3. What are some natural air purifier ideas for homes?

There are various natural air purifier ideas for homes. Creating a green space with air-purifying plants, using bamboo charcoal bags or activated charcoal in closets and bathrooms, and placing baking soda bowls in rooms are effective and budget-friendly options.

Natural air purifiers
Natural air purifiers

4. What are the benefits of using natural air purifiers?

Natural air purifiers offer several benefits. They help eliminate indoor air pollutants and odors without releasing harmful chemicals, promoting a healthier and fresher living environment. They are also cost-effective and easy to maintain.

5. Are there any specific ways to use natural air purifiers effectively?

To use natural air purifiers effectively, ensure proper ventilation in your home to allow the natural elements to circulate and purify the air. Regularly clean and care for the plants to optimize their air-purifying capabilities. Replace activated charcoal and baking soda as needed to maintain their efficacy.


In conclusion, natural air purifiers offer a remarkable, eco-friendly solution for enhancing indoor air quality. By harnessing the power of plants, charcoal, and other natural elements, these methods are highly efficient in diminishing pollutants and fostering a healthier living environment for you and your loved ones. With the ability to eliminate harmful substances safely and sustainably, natural air purifiers stand as a reliable alternative to traditional purification methods. We suggest incorporating these natural remedies into your daily life to ensure cleaner air and promote a greener and more eco-conscious lifestyle. 

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